"There are approximately 350,000 people in the world who speak Dhivehi, the local language of Maldives, so we are a rare bunch..." -Misbah Nazeer

You can find the translation and a phonetic version of the song below the Dhivehi text.

Naananaa - Maldivian Children's Songs - Maldives - Mama Lisa's World: Children's Songs and Rhymes from Around the World  - Intro Image


(1) Santhimariyanmu is a local mythical witch who comes in the night and pulls out children's dirty teeth.
(2) Handi is a local mythical ghost like spirit monster.
(3) Goanibey is a local mythical man much like a Boogeyman or Sack Man.


Misbah Nazeer wrote from the Maldives:

"These are a few verses of a beautiful Maldivian Poem (Lhen) lullaby read when children are put to bed. A "Lhen" is one of the forms of poetry written in the Dhivehi Language. This poem is about a mother's plea to her child about the hardships of life and the importance of patience and perseverance. It also describes some characters from local folklore like monsters (the bogeyman) etc.

The late Mr.Ibrahim Fikry Didi or Kalhuthuthudidi from Fuvahmulah was a prolific writer of traditional poems and children's lullabies. He started writing poems for different occasions during the early 20th century and wrote until his death in the late 1960's."

Naananaa - Maldivian Children's Songs - Maldives - Mama Lisa's World: Children's Songs and Rhymes from Around the World  - Comment After Song Image


If anyone can provide the original Dhivehi text in computer form, please email me. Thanks! -Mama Lisa

Please let us know if you think this video has been taken down by YouTube.

Thanks and Acknowledgements

Many thanks to Misbah Nazeer for sharing this lullaby, for the text and for the translation. Check out Misbah's YouTube channel of the Maldives for lots of videos.

Photo of Boat: "Maldives 09675" by © Nevit Dilmen. Licensed under CC BY-SA 3.0 via Wikimedia Commons.

