"'Eshururu' is something that Ethiopian mothers say or sing over and over as they are putting their infants to sleep. It is a lullaby... in English, 'hush little baby don't you cry'. It is meant to sooth and quiet down a restless infant." -Samrawit

You can find the pronunciation in the song notes.

Hush-a-bye, Hush, Hush, Hush - Ethiopian Children's Songs - Ethiopia - Mama Lisa's World: Children's Songs and Rhymes from Around the World  - Intro Image



Eshururu ruru
Eshururu ruru

Yemamuye enate tolo neyilete
Wetetun beguya dabowun bahiya yizechilete

Eshururu ruru
Eshururu ruru

Yemamuye enate tolo neyilete
Wetetun beguya dabowun bahiya yizechilete

Eshururu ruru
Eshururu ruru


If anyone could type out the original Amharic text for እሹሩሩ ሩሩ (Eshururu ruru), please email it to me. Thanks! -Mama Lisa

The versions of Eshururu in the videos are different from above. They all have the phrase "eshururu" as the refrain. If anyone would like to share the rest of the lyrics in either video, please email me. Thanks! -Mama Lisa
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