Hector Protector Was Dressed All in Green

Hector Protector Was Dressed All in Green
De verde estaba vestido Hector Protector
Canción infantil
Canción infantil
Hector Protector was dressed all in green;
Hector Protector was sent to the Queen.
The Queen did not like him,
No more did the King;
So Hector Protector was sent back again.
De verde estaba vestido Hector Protector;
A la Reina mandaron a Hector Protector.
No le gustó a la Reina
No le gustó al Rey,
Pues despidieron a Hector Protector.

Uno puede hallar esta rima en The Nursery Rhyme Book, editado por Andrew Lang e ilustrado por L. Leslie Brooke (1897).