Derrière chez mon père
This song is also known as "Vole, mon cœur vole", "Le pommier doux" or "Les trois princesses". There are different versions of this song with somewhat different lyrics and/or tunes.

Derrière chez mon père
Behind My Father's House
Chanson traditionnelle
Folk Song
1. Derrière chez mon père
Vole, vole, mon cœur vole
Y a un pommier doux.
Tout doux et doux,
Y a un pommier doux.
2. Trois belles princesses,
Vole, vole, mon cœur vole
Sont couchées dessous.
Tout doux et doux,
Sont couchées dessous.
3. Çà, dit la première,
Vole, vole, mon cœur vole
Je crois qu'il fait jour.
Tout doux et doux,
Je crois qu'il fait jour.
4. Çà, dit la seconde,
Vole, vole, mon cœur vole
J'entends le tambour.
Tout doux et doux,
J'entends le tambour.
5. Çà, dit la troisième,
Vole, vole, mon cœur vole
C'est mon ami doux
Tout doux et doux,
C'est mon ami doux.
6.Il va-t-à la guerre
Vole, vole, mon cœur vole
Combattre pour nous.
Tout doux et doux,
Combattre pour nous.
7. S'il gagne bataille
Vole, vole, mon cœur vole
Aura mes amours.
Tout doux et doux,
Aura mes amours.
8. Qu'il perde ou qu'il gagne,
Vole, vole, mon cœur vole
Les aura toujours.
Tout doux et doux,
Les aura toujours.
1. Behind my father's house,
Fly, fly, my heart, fly,
There's a sweet apple tree,
All sweet and sweet,
There's a sweet apple tree.
2. Three beautiful princesses,
Fly, fly, my heart, fly,
Are lying under it,
All sweet and sweet,
Are lying under it.
3. There, says the first one,
Fly, fly, my heart, fly,
I think it's daylight,
All sweet and sweet,
I think it's daylight.
4. There, says the second one,
Fly, fly, my heart, fly,
I hear the drum,
All sweet and sweet,
I hear the drum.
5. There, says the third one,
Fly, fly, my heart, fly,
It's my sweet sweetheart,
All sweet and sweet,
It's my sweet sweetheart.
6. He's going to war
Fly, fly, my heart, fly,
To fight for us,
All sweet and sweet,
To fight for us.
7. If he wins in battle
Fly, fly, my heart, fly,
He will have my love,
All sweet and sweet,
He will have my love
8. Whether he loses or wins,
Fly, fly, my heart, fly,
He'll always have it,
All sweet and sweet,
He'll always have it.

Thanks and Acknowledgements
Translated by Monique Palomares.
Images: "Nouvelles chansons et rondes enfantines" (1886) by Jean-Baptiste Weckerlin.