Jack en Poy
This is the longer version of "Rock, Paper, Scissors" that's played in the Philippines.
Jack en Poy
Jack en Poy
Jack en Poy*
Sinong matalo
Siya'ng unggoy!
Jack en Poy*
Whoever loses
Is a monkey!
*This is a transliteration of a Japanese name of the game called じゃん拳ぽ and pronounced "jan-ken-pon" in Japanese.
The shorter version is called "Bato-bato-pick". Though sometimes they only say the line "Jack en Poy" for this version so it can be short too.
Game Instructions
Two players play this game. At the end of each line of the song, they put their hands out at exactly the same time in one of three signs, "Rock", "Paper" or "Scissors".
Here's how to make each sign:
-Rock: Make a fist.
-Paper: Put out a flat hand horizontal to the ground.
-Scissors: Put out the index and middle finger imitating scissors.
Here's how you determine who won the round depending upon which symbol each kid put out:
- Rock beats Scissors (imagine a rock breaking the scissors).
- Scissors beats Paper (imagine the scissors cutting the paper).
- Paper beats Rock (imagine a piece of paper covering a rock).
If both kids chose the same symbol, neither win that round.
Whoever wins the most times by the end of the song is the winner.
Nowadays this version sometimes includes giving a kiss and a slap. If anyone can explain the rules to this twist, please email me. Thanks! Mama Lisa
