Please, Mr. Crocodile
In this game, one child is Mr. Crocodile. That kid stands on one side of the room. The group stands on the other side. Here's what they say...
Please, Mr. Crocodile
Group: "Please Mr. Crocodile can we cross the river?"
Mr. Crocodile: "Only if you are wearing something (choose a color)."
Mr. Crocodile can make any condition. It doesn't have to be based on the color of clothes.
Game Instructions
Anyone wearing the color of clothing that Mr. Crocodile says should move a step forward. The game continues like this until someone makes it past Mr. Crocodile. That child is the new Mr. Crocodile.
Variation: Each time Mr. Crocodile says a color those kids wearing that color can "cross the river". Whoever's left at the end is the new Mr. Crocodile. Sometimes Mr. Crocodile has to try to tag the last kids and whoever is caught is the new Mr. Crocodile.
