Mi carita

Mi carita
My Face
Canción infantil
Children's Song
Yo tengo una carita
Que parece una casita,
Los pelos de la cabeza
Parece que son las tejas,
Los ojos son dos ventanas
Que se abren por las mañanas,
La boca la tengo abierta, aaaaaaaaaaa,
Parece que es una puerta
Y en el centro una nariz
Que es un timbre y hace ring, ring, ring.
I have a pretty face
That looks like a little house,
The hair on my head
It seems that they're the tiles,
The eyes are two windows
That open in the morning,
I open my mouth aaaaaaaaaa,
It seems that it's a door
In the middle is the nose
That's a bell and that goes ring, ring, ring.
Game Instructions
Children can touch each part of the face as it's sung in the song.

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Thanks and Acknowledgements
Many thanks to Pilar Tejero for contributing this song. Thanks to Lila for the wonderful drawing!
¡Muchas gracias!