Giờ ăn đến rồi
A Vietnamese version of Frère Jacques...
Giờ ăn đến rồi
Time to Eat Now
Action Song
Action Song
Giờ ăn đến rồi
Giờ ăn đến rồi
Mời anh xơi
Mời em xơi
Nâng chén lên cho cao này
Nâng đũa lên cho cao này
Ta cùng xơi
Ta cùng xơi.
Time to eat now,
Time to eat now!
Invite him to eat
Invite her to eat,
Raise your cup up
Lift your chopsticks up
We eat together!
We eat together!
Game Instructions
Lines 1-2: Clap.
Line 3: Put your right hand out, palm up.
Line 4: Put your left hand out, palm up.
Line 5: Lift your right hand up in the air, palm up.
Line 6: Lift your left hand up in the air, palm up.
Lines 7: Put both hands out in front of you with palms up like you have food.
Line 8: Mimic eating from a bowl.

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