La vielha creda
This song is in the Lemousin dialect.
La vielha creda
The Old Woman's Crying
Children's Song
Children's Song
Totjorn la vielha creda:
'Chabarem tot! 'chabarem tot!
Lo vin de la barrica
E mai dau barricon.
Totjorn la vielha creda:
Minjarem tot! Minjarem tot!
Ne minjarem la tarta
E mai lo gròs torton!
Totjorn la vielha creda:
Minjarem tot! Minjarem tot!
Ne minjarem la chabra
E mai lo chabriton!
Totjorn la vielha creda:
Minjarem tot! Minjarem tot!
Ne minjarem la sauma
E mai lo charriton!
The old woman keeps crying,
"We'll end it all! We'll end it all!
The wine from the big barrel
From the little cask too."
The old woman keeps crying,
"We'll eat it all! We'll eat it all!
We will eat the little pie
And the big pancake too."
The old woman keeps crying,
"We'll eat it all! We'll eat it all!
We will eat the big she-goat
And the little kid too."
The old woman keeps crying,
"We'll eat it all! We'll eat it all!
We will eat the she-donkey
And the little cart too."
The translation is singable to the tune if you squeeze "the old" into two 16th notes at the beginning of each verse. I've added "big" before "she-goat" and "little" before "pie" (which aren't in the original version) to make the lyrics match the tune. -Monique

Thanks and Acknowledgements
Many thanks to Monique Palomares for contributing an translating this song.
Mercé plan!