This song is in the Trentino dialect from northern Italy.

The well-known freedom song Bella ciao get its tune and structure from this song.


The translation can be made more Italian-sounding by replacing "bye-bye" with "ciao".

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The song in the video below is in standard Italian. Here are the lyrics:

E la mia nonna è vecchierella (My grandma is a little old lady)
e mi fa ciao (and she waves to me bye)
mi dice ciao (she tells me bye)
e mi fa ciao ciao ciao (and she waves to me bye, bye, bye)
lei mi manda alla fontanella (she sends me to the fountain)
a prendere l'acqua per desinar. (to get water for dinner.)

Alla fontana io non ci vado... (To the fountain I won't go…)
... perché l'acqua può bagnar. (…because the water can get you wet.)

Io ti darò cinquanta scudi... (I'll give you fifty crowns…)
...perché l'acqua può bagnar. (…because the water can get you wet.)

Cinque scudi è assai denaro... (Five crowns is a lot of money…)
...perché l'acqua può bagnare. (…because the water can get you wet.)

Allora corro alla fontana... (Then I run to the fountain…)
...a prendere l'acqua per desinare. (…to get water for dinner.)

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Thanks and Acknowledgements

Translated by Monique and Lisa.
